
Anxiety Treatment in Lubbock. TX Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common experiences a person can have, and it can also be one of the most frustrating, annoying, and problematic. If you are wondering if you may be struggling with anxiety, ask yourself if these sound familiar:

- Do you have trouble focusing or become easily distracted by things?

- Do you feel like your brain is always going and will not stop?

- Do you feel sore and like your muscles are always tense?

- Do You find yourself snappier or more irritated at your loved ones?

- Do You often feel restless or fidgety and cannot seem to relax?

If any of those sound like you or a loved one, they could be experiencing an increased level of anxiety. These symptoms can have negative impacts on our relationships, occupations, and academic performance, which can often lead to anxiety symptoms becoming worse and worse. If you feel like maybe you or a loved one have been in or are starting to have these struggles, our therapists at Shiloh are ready to help you regain control of your life.

One Person’s Anxiety Can Influence an Entire Family.

Anxiety has a sneaky way of making a person’s life harder and harder once it starts. In families, if a parent is experiencing increased anxiety, they may become short, snappy, or more irritable towards their children. These situations can cause children to wonder if they did something wrong or are in trouble, which may result in them acting out, displaying the same symptoms as the parent, and having trouble at school.

Anxiety can also negatively impact a marriage. If one partner is always on edge and is not getting enough sleep, arguments and loss of connection may happen. This can result in two partners having more and more conflicts, making daily interactions more tense and stressful. Unfortunately, suppose two parents are arguing because of anxiety-related reasons. In that case, any children will see those arguments and begin displaying anxiety symptoms as well.

As you can see, anxiety can be messy for an entire family, even if one person is struggling with it. To remedy this, therapy for anxiety works to increase a person’s control over their lives, examine the areas of life that may be causing the anxiety, and then create solutions to reduce the negative influence those areas have on a person’s life. This is also helpful for families in that the person receiving the therapy will learn coping strategies and methods of communicating with their loved ones to reinforce the skills and strategies to overcome anxiety.

Children, Teenagers, and Adults can All Experience Anxiety.

Yep, anxiety does not care who you are, how old you are, or what you do. For children and teens, bullying, social anxiety, peer pressure, trying to fit in, and the social environments in which they interact can all influence their level of anxiety. Children and teens can display all symptoms of anxiety in key areas of life that can let parents know anxiety may be developing. Several clues that may indicate anxiety in your child or teen include tummy aches at specific times during the day or in the mornings before school, wanting to skip school or not attending a certain activity, or randomly beginning to struggle in their coursework. While this is not a full list of anxiety clues, they are often associated with an increase in anxiety.

Shiloh Counseling Services


2020 82nd Street,
Suite 101,
Lubbock, TX 79423

